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European taxonomy

The first step is the eligibility of an activity to determine whether this activity can be considered sustainable.

The second step is alignment, which consists of verifying, based on specific technical criteria, whether the activity contributes substantially to at least one of the six environmental objectives of the Taxonomy while not causing significant harm to the other objectives.

Eligibility and Alignment
The 6 pillars of the Taxonomy

With the entry into application of the new directive on the publication of sustainability information by companies (CSRD), its scope of application concerns more than 50,000 companies in Europe.


But she actually goes impose itself on all companies suppliers of these 50,000 organizations as part of their sustainable purchasing policies.

50,000 companies directly concerned

This regulation is complex and technical.
Also, to make the European Taxonomy accessible and practical for teams in charge of transforming internal processes, for those in charge of designing and marketing new offers, we have defined 42 operational environmental objectives.

Operational environmental objectives

The European Taxonomy will establish itself as the structuring framework

of the ecological transition in Europe.

This is a system of classification of economic activities according to their contribution to environmental sustainability with the objectives of:

- Provide a clear definition of what constitutes sustainable economic activity,

- Promote investment in sustainable activities,

- Encourage the transition to a green economy.

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